Thursday, November 17, 2011

Target- my favorite store!

Target 11/16  $10.75
Wowzers this was a super exciting shopping trip!

2 Heinz Ketchup $1.79 each (regular price- we were out which is cause for panic in our home)
3 Johnson & Johnson first aide kits to go $.97 each
1 Scrabble Flash Game $19.89 (Emily is hoping for this for Christmas- it's on price cut, normally over $25!)
2 pasta sauce $1 each
2 penne pasta $1 each
8 Curel hand lotions at $2.99 each
$54.30 before Tax

-$1 mq heinz ketchup (printed from internet)
-$1 mq heinz ketchup (printed from internet)
-$5 mq scrabble flash (printed from internet)
-$5 target toy coupon book scrabble slam
-$1 target printable wyb both pasta and sauce
-$1 target printable wyb both pasta and sauce
8 -$1 curel lotion mq's
3 -$1 any J&J red cross mq's

Paid $30.75 cash.  Got back 4 $5 gift cards ($20!) from the Curel lotion.  This weeks deal- get a $5 gift card wyb 2 Curel handlotions.  If you buy the $2.99 tubes, and use a $1 coupon on each, you pay $4 and get $5 back.  I made $1 for every 2 tubes I bought!  These are GREAT items to use as gifts for teachers and co workers- not to mention nice additions to care packages and such.  I practically skipped to the car!

(Interesting that in reading through this post, I realized that the cashier failed to scan 4 of the $1 coupons for the lotion.  Man, I tell ya, you have to watch them like a hawk!  Oh well- still a good deal and I'm not going to go back and fight about it.  But I am going to watch better from now on!)

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