Monday, September 12, 2011

CVS 9/11/11

$7.99 each Air Wick air fresheners
$2.99 each Finish dishwashing tabs
$6.79 Brilliant tampons
$2.50 Fig Newtons
$31.25 TOTAL

-$4 Air Wick Air Freshener
-$4 Air Wick air freshener
-$1 Finish detergent
-$1 Finish detergent
-$2.50 Fig Newtons (from magic coupon machine- they were out of the thins so the cashier offered to substitute)

$18.75 Total Cash Paid
Got back $10 Extra Care Bucks (wyb $20 in various items- air wick and Finish), $6.79 Extra Care Bucks for Tampons.

Also- there is a $1 off coupon for the Brilliant Tampons here that you can print.  My printer flubbed up and I gave up on trying to print it.  But if you do- you will actually MAKE $1 when you buy them!

There is another  money maker on some of the air wick products that are on sale for $4.99 when you use the $4 coupons that were supposedly in the paper yesterday.  But my store was out of them already, and I was tired, so I just went with the more expensive ones.  We use them at work so that will be a nice donation.

I haven't done my Walgreens shopping yet- seems like they are most out of everything at my store when I go so I just didn't even stop last night.  Maybe today I'll give another store a try.

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